In this all levels class, we will move mindfully through a sequence of asanas (poses) to cultivate balance between flexibility and strength, movement and stillness, and effort and ease. Our yoga practice is a moving meditation to unlock curiosity and connection on our mats and in our lives. Class will conclude with a luxurious savasana (resting pose) to cultivate self-care. By practicing together and sharing time on our mats and with our breath, we join a global community (sangha) of yogis.
Individual classes are $15 or $13.50 for Dunies members, and payment can be sent via Venmo to @SandyPauseYoga or register via PayPal at the links below. See the “Descriptions and Packages” page for additional information. All classes are listed in central time and advance registration is requested. If you have purchased a package of yoga classes, simply email to register with your name.
Join Zoom Meeting
If you have any issue with the class link, you can join me in the zoom room this way:
Open the internet on your computer/device
Go to
Near the top right of the page, click "join a meeting"
Put in this meeting number and password:
Meeting number is 818 2622 0920
The password for this meeting is Loga.